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About the Library

In this Research Guide, you will learn about the library and all services provided.

Research Services

Reference Services

The Research Information Desk is located near the front door and is staffed by a professionally trained librarian all hours that the library is open. The librarians answer questions and offer direct personal assistance on using the Library's electronic and print sources to find information for research and study.

Research Assistance and Help

Prince George's Community College Library provides access to and instruction for research materials required by students, staff, and faculty. With a large collection of items covering broad subject areas of scholarly research, the librarians are equipped to instruct you in finding what you need.

Librarians at the Research Information Desk can teach you how to access and effectively use the variety of materials in the library as well as in the research databases. If you need an extensive amount of help, librarians will provide one-on-one instructional tutoring for students doing research.

Research Tutorial

The Research Tutorial can be used by students that need help with their research. The tutorial aims to help develop effective library research skills and critical thinking skills in all courses at Prince George's Community College. The tutorial consists of a series of videos that are designed to teach the basic concepts of library research.


  • Research: What is it and Where do I Begin? 
  • Why do You Need to do Background Reading?
  • Strategic Searching with Boolean Operators
  • Database Searching: The Best Fit for You
  • Relevancy and Critical Thinking
  • Information Access and Evaluation
  • Internet Research
  • Plagiarism