Streaming Video collections add thousands of video titles to the library’s existing collection. It gives access to the library's collection online, using whatever mobile media available to the user, without limits on material availability or operating hours of the library. Streaming videos can be viewed anytime, anywhere, 24/7!
You can also access the streaming video collections directly using the links provided below.
This extensive video database offers over 67,000 titles across a wide range of subjects including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. Whether you're studying for exams, working on projects, or exploring new topics, you'll find a rich collection of high-quality videos to support your learning.
Special Features:
Create Clips & Playlists: Customize video content by creating clips and organizing your favorite videos into playlists for easy access.
Cite & Share: Easily cite, email, or embed videos into your assignments or presentations.
Content: Multimedia collection of plays, productions, and other research materials
Special features: Includes documentaries and interviews
This database offers access to Films Media Group streaming videos. With a wide variety of films and videos, you can explore content that spans across many academic disciplines, from arts and sciences to career-focused subjects. The database provides an easy way to watch educational films and videos on a variety of topics, helping you enhance your understanding and research across multiple fields.
This unique collection features 200 independent films, offering a diverse selection of cinematic works from various genres, cultures, and perspectives. The collection is designed to support students in their academic and creative pursuits, providing access to a wide range of films that can be used for analysis, research, and inspiration in film studies and related fields.
Content: Prince George Community College's collection of licensed movies.
Purpose: Access course-related films and movies