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About the Library

In this Research Guide, you will learn about the library and all services provided.

Policies & Behavior Standards

Cell Phone Use

Please set cell phones to vibrate mode or turn them off when in the library. Take phone conversations to Cafe Accokeek or outside the building.

Food and Beverages

Food and beverages may be consumed in Cafe Accokeek, located opposite the Circulation Desk. Library personnel have the right to restrict food consumption in all areas of the library. 

Photo ID

Carry the College photo ID card at all times and present to College officials upon request. Refer to the Photo ID section for information on how to obtain your College Photo ID.

Tobacco Use

Prince George’s Community College is a smoke/tobacco-free college and workplace. Use of tobacco or tobacco related products shall not be permitted in any enclosed place or outdoors on all Prince George’s Community College campus property, including parking lots. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and other persons on campus, regardless of the purpose for their visit.

Disruptive Behavior

The following behaviors are not permitted. The campus police may be contacted if they occur. 

  • Excessive noise or audible radios, CD players, or other sound devices
  • Hostile or rowdy behavior, including fighting, threatening, intimidating, loud, abusive or offensive language or abusing library staff or patrons with words or actions
  • Sexual harassment
  • Overt sexual behavior, including the viewing of pornographic websites
  • Signs of substance abuse, including drunkenness
  • Bringing weapons, simulated or real, into the library

Personal Property

Personal property should be attended to at all times. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 

Care of Library Property

Behavior that may damage library equipment, collections, or facilities is prohibited. These behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  • Tearing, marking or otherwise mutilating library materials
  • Defacing the library building or equipment
  • Changing computer configurations

Paging - Library Patrons

Library patrons are paged only in emergencies.

Criminal Behavior

The campus police will be notified concerning the following activities: 

  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Exhibitionism
  • Assault, including verbal threats

Animals - Assistance

Assist animals are the only animals allowed in the library.

Children - Unattended

Children under the age of 16 are allowed on the College campus when they are registered credit or non-credit students, they are participating in an authorized college activity, or they are attending an event or accompanied by an adult. The campus police will be informed when a child is left unattended.