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COM 1010 - Foundations of Communication: Assignments Persuasive Speech

A research guide for those studying theatre and/or communication.


Please be aware that this is the general assignment for COM-1010 and your professor may have altered the requirements. Always refer to your professor for the most up to date information.

Assignments Persuasive Speech


COM-1010 Asynchronous Persuasive Speech Project-94 points


Thanks to mobile apps, web-enabled devices, and computer-based programs, people can share messages with others around the world at any time. With this in mind, you will apply the knowledge and skills gained so far in this course to prepare, practice, deliver, and upload to YouTube one 3 to 4-minute informative speech.

Important Project Facts

• You may select any topic you wish

• Your topic must be stated as a proposition of fact, value, or policy

• You must register your topic and have it approved during the specified period. (1 point)

▪ Registration and approval will occur using a dedicated Bb Discussion Forum

▪ Speeches on unregistered or unapproved topics will not be graded o If additional details are requested, provide them by the deadline noted on the calendar o If the topic is rejected, resubmit by the deadline on the calendar


What to Prepare and How

• Full-Sentence Outline: You must prepare and submit a typed, three-section, speaking-points outline of your speech (11 points)

o Your outline must have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion

o Your work must be properly coordinated and subordinated

o Your work must include at least four transition markers

o Your outline must include a clear position of refute

o Include at least four, three-part, in-text citations in current APA format (See OWL Purdue) from three different sources in your speaking points outline

▪ Include citations for all sources of all information obtained through research, other classes, conversation, watching TV, etc.

▪ Failing to cite sources of information within your outline is plagiarism

o If you do not submit an outline, your speech will not be graded

o Paste your work where indicated for grading

▪ Do not paste any part of your assignment in the Comment Box

• I will not grade such work

o Submit your work; do not simply save it as a draft

▪ You may submit your work as many times as you like before the deadline

▪ Your final submission will be what is graded

o Your work will be assessed using Safe Assign

▪ If you decline to have Safe Assign assess your work, you will be given a zero

• Tip: Check the resources provided within Bb

o Review, download, and use the template provided - It’ll guide you.

o Review the sample outline provided - It shows how your work should look.

Reference Chart: You must prepare and submit a typed, reference chart. (4 points)

o Your chart must have at least four entries

o Create entries for all sources used

o If you do not submit a reference chart, your speech will not be graded

o Paste your work where indicated for grading

▪ Do not paste any part of your assignment in the Comment Box

• I will not grade such work

o Submit your work; do not simply save it as a draft

▪ You may submit your work as many times as you like before the deadline

▪ Your final submission will be what is graded YouTube Video of You Delivering Your Speech (77 points)

• Paste the link to your unlisted or public YouTube video then make it an active hyperlink using the tool provided

o Do not upload (attach) a file of any kind, embed any additional links, or share a link to an external drive

▪ I will not access or grade such work

o Do not paste any part of your assignment in the Comment Box

▪ I will not grade such work

o Submit your work; do not simply save it as a draft

▪ You may submit your work as many times as you like before the deadline

▪ Your final submission will be what is graded Practice Before Submitting Your Video

• Review the outline you prepared and practice it several times before uploading it for grading.

• You must stay within the stipulated time limit – 3 to 4 minutes.

o If you go over, the instructor will stop watching and you may lose points

. • You are required to orally cite at least four different sources during your presentation.

o Cite sources of all information obtained through research, other classes, observation, conversation, watching TV, etc.

o Failing to orally cite sources of information is plagiarism.

• You must use four different types of support (statistics, quotes, anecdotes, etc.)

• You must clearly state your proposition.

• You must clearly state a call to action.

• You must clearly state the position of refute.

• Your work should avoid the major fallacies in logic discussed in the text

• You may incorporate and effectively utilize one visual or auditory aid.

• You may not read word-for-word while presenting

• Your audio must be clear and your recording environment must be quiet.

• Your lighting must be adequate and you must be seen from head to waist at a minimum.

• You must use appropriate paralanguage and verbal language.

o Speak clearly, at an appropriate rate, loud enough, and avoid unnecessary slang, profanity, and/or inappropriate or offensive language.

• You must dress appropriately.

o Tattered/dirty jeans, yoga pants, work boots, sneakers/tennis shoes, t-shirts, shorts, tank tops, flip-flops, sundresses, hats, sagging pants, revealing clothing, nightclothes, etc. are not acceptable unless they relate to your topic.

• Since you must record and upload your unedited, unlisted video (only those with the link can view it) or public video (anyone can view it) to YouTube, you may find uploading and reviewing your practice session helpful.

• Tip: Review Public Speaking Competence Rubric for Evaluating Speeches o Points will be at 7 points per category instead of 4

Due Date Work is due before the established deadline. See the course calendar for all related due dates.

• If your speech cannot be accessed, you will be given a zero for the presentation.

• Verify your link by accessing it while not logged into your YouTube account.

 • See YouTube for tutorial and important details including accepted file types.


• Topic registered and approved (2)

• Full Sentence Outline (11)

• Reference Chart (4)

• Delivery Rating Based on Public Speaking Competence Rubric for Evaluating Speeches (77)