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Library Liaisons: Liaison Program

The liaison librarians function as a contact between the departments and the Library. They share information about resources and solicit requests and suggestions for developing the library's collection.

Liaison Program

A library liaison is a librarian who has been formally designated as the primary contact person between the Library and assigned academic departments at Prince George's Community College. This person serves as a contact for assistance with, or information about, any library service or issue. In other words, the liaison fosters two-way communication between the library and the College.

Liaison Librarians

Health, Wellness, and Hospitality

Jaimee McRoberts
(301) 546-0214


Humanities, English, and Social Sciences

Robert Fernandez
(301) 546-7566 

Professional Studies and Community Education

Jaimee McRoberts
(301) 546-0214

Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Jeffrey Potter
(301) 546-0468 

Best Practices

Developing relationships between the library and academic departments is a core responsibility for library liaisons. Establishing and maintaining regular communication with the College may include:

  • Sharing library resources and information with the department
  • Visiting with department chairs or liaisons to discuss future plans
  • Perusing departmental websites to gather new information
  • Attending departmental meetings
  • Serving on departmental committees when appropriate
  • Attending lectures, discussion groups, and special events sponsored by the department
  • Soliciting or recommending orders for new materials
  • Keeping a departmental “wish list” of possible purchases
  • Asking for input in weeding collections
  • Requesting help in reviewing gift and other incoming materials
  • Relaying information about changes in the library
  • Welcoming new faculty and staff and providing orientation
  • Working with departments to ensure information literacy is fully incorporated
  • Reporting departmental information to library staff