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EGL 1010 - Composition I: Tutoring

Tutoring and Writing Centers

The Writing Center offers tutoring for all students who are working on any writing assignment in any course. Faculty tutors work with students one-on-one on all phases of the writing process. Tutors help students generate ideas, develop and support thesis statements, organize material, integrate and document sources, and refine sentences. In addition, grammar specialists are available to address grammar and style issues at the sentence level.

Location: Lanham Hall, Room 114A

Phone: (301) 546-0748

E-Mail Tutoring:

E-mail tutoring is available. Send in your question or paper to, using your PGCC email account. Please remember to copy and paste your message in the email (do not send attachments). 

Writing Resources 

Review these resources as needed when you are writing your essay or research paper.