The research databases enable you to email an article to yourself, save the article to a flash drive, or print the article.
This section will cover how to manage your articles in the two databases for Issues and Trends:
The Opposing Viewpoints in Context database allows you to manage your results either as a topic page or as individual articles.
Topic Page
From the Topic Page, use the links under the Tools area, located on the right side of the page to: send to Google Drive, download, or email the article.
EMAIL - While in article view, click on the "Email" link on the Tools menu. A pop-up window will open. Accurately type your email address and choose any other options that you want, like including a citation, then click "Send".
SAVE TO FLASH DRIVE- connect the flash drive to the USB port. With the full text of the article on the screen, click on the "Download" link on the tools menu. Choose the file type you want to save as (PDF or HTML) then click Download.
The "Save As" dialog opens. Save in the designated drive for the flash drive. Give the file a name. Click Save.
CITATION TOOLS- this database provides help with citations. Click on "Citation Tools" link on the tools menu. A pop-up window will open. Choose the citation style that you are using, then copy and paste the citation. |
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PRINT- With the full text of the article on the screen, click on the "Print" link on the blue toolbar. Note: when using a computer in the Library Reference and Research area, printouts are picked up at the Circulation Counter. The cost is $0.10 per printed black and white page and $0.25 per color page.
The CQ Researcher database also has tools that allow you to manage your results.
Individual Articles
EMAIL - While in article view, click on the "Email" button and fill out the form.
SAVE TO FLASH DRIVE- connect the flash drive to the USB port. With the full text of the article on the screen, click on the "View PDF" button. A new page (or tab) will open displaying the PDF.
From the PDF menu, find the save icon (similar to the one pictured below) and click on it. The "Save As" dialog opens. Save in the designated driver for the flash drive. Give the file a name. Click Save.
OR if using Chrome, click on the download button on the upper right-hand side and save it to your flash drive.
CITATION TOOLS- this database provides help with citations. Click on the "CiteNow!" button. A pop-up window will open displaying the citation. The default citation is in APA format, if this is not the style you are using, click on the name of the style at the top to change it. Please don't forget to indent the lines in your citation when you copy and paste it.
PRINT- With the full text of the article on the screen, click on the "Print" button. Choose which section you want to print or the full report.
Note: when using a computer in the Library Reference and Research area, printouts are picked up at the Circulation Counter. The cost is $0.10 per printed black and white page and $0.25 per color page.