The library has the ultimate responsibility for building and maintaining the collection, including decisions about storage, preservation, and weeding; collection interpretation; collection evaluation; and budgetary management. However, we welcome input from the College community.
Resource Development Policy - Introduction and Purpose
The purpose of the Resource Development Policy is to provide guidelines that will assure quality and relevance in the materials of the Prince George’s Community College Library. The acquisition and retention of materials in the Library collection is intended to support the mission and vision of the College.
The Library’s primary goals in this endeavor are to develop and maintain a collection that will enhance the curriculum of the College and to provide resources that meet the needs of students, faculty, staff, administration, and the community.
Principles of Resource Selection
All materials acquired by the library will reflect resource needs of Prince George’s Community College. This underlying principle will determine the format, quality, and scope of resources to be acquired.
The library will maintain an up-to-date, comprehensive and well-rounded collection of materials that meet the following needs:
Additional Considerations for Resource Selection
The Prince George’s Community College Library upholds the principles of the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read statements. Also:
Policies by Resource Format
Responsibility for Selection
The college librarians retain an overview of the resource needs of the collection and also have constant access to current reviewing media. For these reasons, final acquisition decisions rest with them. In addition, the college librarians will liaison with faculty in order to collaborate in building a resource collection that will support curriculum and instructional needs.
The Library receives funding from the College to purchase or provide access to new materials, both print and electronic. There is no specific budget allocation amount for individual subject departments or topics. This is to provide the flexibility to meet unanticipated needs, such as departmental or program changes or increased demand for resources in a particular subject.
Collection Maintenance
Evaluation of the library collection is undertaken as time and other duties of the librarians permit. Identification and removal of obsolete and outdated materials are the professional responsibilities of the librarians. Faculty members are encouraged to survey their subject areas and recommend additions to and withdrawals from the collection. Seldom used or damaged materials are withdrawn from the collection. Damaged and lost items are replaced at the discretion of the librarians.
The Library graciously welcomes gifts. Gifts are accepted with the understanding that the items will be evaluated according to the same standards as materials that the Library purchases. The Office of Institutional Advancement will acknowledge gifts. The institution does not do financial evaluations of donations. By means of discard or donation, the Library will dispose of gifts that are not suited to the library’s collection of resources, due to age, format, topic, or physical condition. The library reserves the right to refuse a donation if the donor specifies special conditions, such as retrieval from their home or special display arrangements.
Resource Development Policy Review
This Resource Development Policy will be reviewed periodically by the college librarians. Changes will be incorporated when appropriate.
Resource Management Services
Resource Management Services support the mission of the Learning Resources Division by acquiring, cataloging, and processing library materials in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Collection Management Services
The acquisitions staff processes orders for books, audiovisual materials, electronic media, and other items which have been ordered for the library. Staff members are available to assist in locating new materials, identifying and verifying bibliographic details, and providing the status of ordered materials.
Lori LaFontaine
Library Media Technician, Acquisitions
Robert Fernandez
Resource Development Librarian
The cataloging section catalogs and organizes materials using bibliographic standards. Cataloging is responsible for the records found in the online catalog.
Trevor Kroger
Librarian and Assistant Professor
Use the following resource development tools to help you find materials for your courses.
The premier source for reviews of academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest to those in higher education. Choice reaches almost every undergraduate college and university library in the United States.
Use the following form to request materials from the library.
Requested materials must be tied to a course or program. Funding does not permit purchases for personal interest.
Please contact your subject librarian if you have any questions, need help, or want to make purchase requests.