The Association of College and Research Libraries Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education grows out of a belief that information literacy as an educational reform movement will realize its potential only through a richer, more complex set of core ideas. During the fifteen years since the publication of the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, academic librarians and their partners in higher education associations have developed learning outcomes, tools, and resources that some institutions have deployed to infuse information literacy concepts and skills into their curricula.
The framework addresses habits of mind and provides a new vision to address the needs of today's learners in the 21st Century. To that end, student learning outcomes for information literacy were conceived and mapped to course outcomes to provide a more meaningful frame of reference for today's learners.
Scheduling Information Literacy Instruction Classes
We request the faculty member be present and participate in the sessions to emphasize the importance of this learning and research process.
Use the form to request an instruction session for your classes.
Instruction Offerings
What can a librarian do for your class?
What Happens Next?
Once your instruction request has been sent, you will receive an appointment through Outlook (campus email). Responses to instruction requests vary from 24-48 hours.
If you fail to receive a confirmation, please contact Lori LaFontaine at or 301-546-0470.
(Video demonstrates an example of Asynchronous Online or Hybrid Synchronous instruction types.)